
Coaching Success: Dilemmas and Considerations

Coaching Success: Dilemmas and Considerations

We are all coaches because we want to help people. Helping people requires understanding nutrition and the human body, which is covered in depth at our RP Nutrition Certification. But...

Coaching Success: Dilemmas and Considerations

We are all coaches because we want to help people. Helping people requires understanding nutrition and the human body, which is covered in depth at our RP Nutrition Certification. But...

How Endurance Training Affects Muscle Retention and Growth

How Endurance Training Affects Muscle Retention...

It’s common sense in our field that endurance causes muscle loss, right? That was precisely my view during my PhD program in Sport Physiology five years ago. But it’s not...

How Endurance Training Affects Muscle Retention...

It’s common sense in our field that endurance causes muscle loss, right? That was precisely my view during my PhD program in Sport Physiology five years ago. But it’s not...

Why Aren't Your Results Good Enough - Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

Why Aren't Your Results Good Enough - Compariso...

We all want results, and we naturally want them quickly. Having abs in 4 months is cool, but who wouldn't want it in 4 weeks instead? We can't help but...

Why Aren't Your Results Good Enough - Compariso...

We all want results, and we naturally want them quickly. Having abs in 4 months is cool, but who wouldn't want it in 4 weeks instead? We can't help but...

New Study Tells Us What Makes Us Overeat

New Study Tells Us What Makes Us Overeat

Why we overeat  It's not news that eating in a caloric surplus leads to weight gain, and a caloric deficit leads to weight loss. While many have tried to dispute...

New Study Tells Us What Makes Us Overeat

Why we overeat  It's not news that eating in a caloric surplus leads to weight gain, and a caloric deficit leads to weight loss. While many have tried to dispute...

How to Balance Weights And Endurance Training

How to Balance Weights And Endurance Training

When done correctly, weight training can greatly enhance endurance performance. If done incorrectly, it can be suboptimal at best and catastrophic to performance at worst! Here are some tips on...

How to Balance Weights And Endurance Training

When done correctly, weight training can greatly enhance endurance performance. If done incorrectly, it can be suboptimal at best and catastrophic to performance at worst! Here are some tips on...

How And When To Believe The “Latest Research”

How And When To Believe The “Latest Research”

Want the best results? Keep up with the latest science! New research is being done, and discoveries are made all the time. Learning and adapting to further information can help...

How And When To Believe The “Latest Research”

Want the best results? Keep up with the latest science! New research is being done, and discoveries are made all the time. Learning and adapting to further information can help...