
Insight from 10,000 Weight Loss Diets

Insight from 10,000 Weight Loss Diets

SYNOPSIS: The RP Diet App has been helping people lose fat and build muscle with custom, AI-generated and adjusted nutrition plans since 2018. Tens of thousands of people use the...

Insight from 10,000 Weight Loss Diets

SYNOPSIS: The RP Diet App has been helping people lose fat and build muscle with custom, AI-generated and adjusted nutrition plans since 2018. Tens of thousands of people use the...

In Defense of Set Increases Within the Hypertrophy Mesocycle

In Defense of Set Increases Within the Hypertro...

SYNOPSIS: In the evidence-based community, there has been some contention of late about the practice of adding sets within a hypertrophy mesocycle. In opposition to adding load, reps, and sets...

In Defense of Set Increases Within the Hypertro...

SYNOPSIS: In the evidence-based community, there has been some contention of late about the practice of adding sets within a hypertrophy mesocycle. In opposition to adding load, reps, and sets...

BRIDGING THE GAP, PART III:  A Coaching Revolution

BRIDGING THE GAP, PART III: A Coaching Revolution

Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro, PhD, CISSN, CHC @vitaminphd Shannon Beer, MNU-Certified Flex Success Coach, LLB @shannonbeer_ SYNOPSIS:  “You don’t want it bad enough.” “No excuses!” “It’s not my job to motivate you.” These...

BRIDGING THE GAP, PART III: A Coaching Revolution

Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro, PhD, CISSN, CHC @vitaminphd Shannon Beer, MNU-Certified Flex Success Coach, LLB @shannonbeer_ SYNOPSIS:  “You don’t want it bad enough.” “No excuses!” “It’s not my job to motivate you.” These...

The Safe & Effective Gym-Return Guide

The Safe & Effective Gym-Return Guide

Dr. Mike Israetel, PhD, RP's Chief Sport Scientist@drmikeisraetel SYNOPSIS: You’re itching to train in the gym again after months of being out. And FINALLY, your city, state, or country has...

The Safe & Effective Gym-Return Guide

Dr. Mike Israetel, PhD, RP's Chief Sport Scientist@drmikeisraetel SYNOPSIS: You’re itching to train in the gym again after months of being out. And FINALLY, your city, state, or country has...

RP's Commitments to Social Causes

RP's Commitments to Social Causes

Nick Shaw, CEO RP, our highest priority is being able to deliver evidence-based practices to anybody who wants to achieve their health and fitness goals.  This means we are committed...

RP's Commitments to Social Causes

Nick Shaw, CEO RP, our highest priority is being able to deliver evidence-based practices to anybody who wants to achieve their health and fitness goals.  This means we are committed...

Saving Money As An Endurance Athlete

Saving Money As An Endurance Athlete

Here are some quarantine-friendly, money-saving tips for endurance athletes! Use table sugar for 80% of intra-workout carbs. Flavor with whatever beverage you typically use. Saves big $$$$, keeps flavor mild, and moves...

Saving Money As An Endurance Athlete

Here are some quarantine-friendly, money-saving tips for endurance athletes! Use table sugar for 80% of intra-workout carbs. Flavor with whatever beverage you typically use. Saves big $$$$, keeps flavor mild, and moves...