What you'll get
The ultimate guide on how much to train and how to find your own Volume Landmarks. 113 pages in total.
Instructs you on how to optimize Volume Landmarks while in a various diet phases.
Applications of the Volume Landmarks for various sports and athletic career maturity levels.
Includes worksheet templates to track your own Volume Landmarks.
RP Client Testimonials
RP has helped my performance exponentially.
My coaching experience has been completely worth the time effort and money.
It pushed me beyond what I thought I could do. The diet was laid out perfectly and easy to follow along.
I'm so happy with what RP has helped me accomplish, my goal was to have abs; and I did it with your help.
I was able to eat within my prescribed plan and satisfy my hunger--all without an ounce of guilt.
I started noticing a huge performance increase at the gym, I had a ton of energy and I felt great.
I have learned that eating more doesn’t mean weight gain but strength and fat loss is a slow but successful process.
For the first time in my life I feel healthy, energetic, and not self-deprived.