Hypertrophy / Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting, Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, Body Composition, Beginners, Intermediate Athletes, Advanced Athletes, General Fitness Enthusiasts, Post-Injury Recovery Clients
Coaching Style:
Intense and Assertive (Pushes clients hard to maximize results.),
Goal-oriented (Focused on achieving specific, measurable outcomes.),
Client-centered (Prioritizes the client’s goals, preferences, and feedback.),
Practical and Realistic (Balances ambition with achievable goals for long-term success.)
Hobbies and Interests:
Dog Training,
collecting whiskey
Why Choose Robert:
Robert Santana is a Registered Dietitian and Strength Coach and owner of Weights & Plates Gym in the Greater Phoenix area. For the past two decades, Robert has developed and refined his knowledge, skills, and experiences through both higher education and practical experience. Robert earned both a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and a Master of Science in Kinesiology at Western Illinois University. His quest for knowledge and a deeper understanding of the scientific process led him to earn a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing & Health Innovation at Arizona State University.
He has extensive experience as a strength coach, nutrition coach, researcher, teacher, and competitor. He built upon his foundational knowledge by providing effective nutrition coaching in conjunction with teaching and coaching the barbell lifts through the application of the Starting Strength model of performing barbell exercises to help clients move safely while getting stronger and building muscle. As a firm believer that one must experience that which he or she is coaching, he has served as his own “guinea pig” experimenting with various diets, training programs, and has competed in the sports of Strengthlifting, Powerlifting, and Olympic Weightlifting. His key goal has always been to continuously build muscle, while minimizing fat gain, in a functional and sustainable way. Integrating elements of all the various lifting approaches has enabled him to help clients achieve their body composition goals while becoming more functional human beings.
This process has been amazing and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings! Cheers to maintenance ❤️🥂
Alycia Gale
RP Client
For the first time in my life I feel healthy, energetic, and not self-deprived.
Steph Mills
1:1 Coaching Client
RP has helped my performance exponentially.
Mattie Rogers
3x USAW National Champion
This has been the hardest thing I've ever done. I am thrilled with the outcome (: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. <3
Cameron Coday
Fat Loss Template User
I have learned that eating more doesn’t mean weight gain but strength and fat loss is a slow but successful process.
Ashley Coutinho
RP Client
Thank you all so much for developing this! It has changed my life! ♥️
Kellye M
RP Client
RP diet templates are the only diet that I recommend to all my clients...
Angelo Bannister
Diet Template User
I started noticing a huge performance increase at the gym, I had a ton of energy and I felt great.
Randy Thompson
Fat Loss Template User
With my plan’s simplicity and gradual nature, I was never overly burdened mentally or physically and in the final week I felt as good as I ever have.
Jordan McGillis
Physique Template User
Hoping to inspire a mom or two... [RP] works if you stick to the plan...
Amanda Staples
Diet Template User
I was able to eat within my prescribed plan and satisfy my hunger--all without an ounce of guilt.
Michelle Ferng
RP Client
I feel so much stronger than I ever have before and I feel like nothing is a challenge anymore...
Janelle Fox
Female Physique Template User
Thank you RP!! You are changing me and a TON of other people!
Kerri Specht
RP App User
I'm so happy with what RP has helped me accomplish, my goal was to have abs; and I did it with your help.
Dominique Lalrinzuala
RP Transformation Challenge Winner
The RP community is so strong and growing exponentially and I strongly believe it has nothing to do with great marketing, but just good ole fashion results.
Chris Duncan
Fat Loss Template User
I am so grateful to have found RP! It has truly taught me how to fuel my body and I am so proud of myself for sticking with these 12 weeks! For the first time in my life, I have visible abs! Thanks RP!!!
Brittany Ibarra
RP Client
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